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At Golden Square Kindergarten, we run several sessions on Recycling and Sustainability. We use resources like books, games, hands on sessions, our indigenous garden, our worm farm, recycle, compost and waste bins to facilitate our Recycle and Sustainability program.
We also have incursions, and utilise our Interactive TV to watch videos and books on recycling and sustainability. The children plant and harvest in our kinder gardens, as well as using our worm farm to produce worm wee to water our gardens and take home to families. The children are in charge of collecting the worm wee and bottling it up for families to take for free.
Here are some of the ways we teach children about Recycling and Sustainability at Golden Square Kindergarten:
Recycle Bins (Compost Bin, Waste Bin, Recycle Bins)
Worm Farm
Vegetable Gardens (planting and harvesting)
Thermometers inside to check the temperature to turn heaters and coolers down
Recycling paper towel used by the children
Half flush toilets
Energy Saving Lights
Rain Gauge to record water fall
Incursions from Coliban Water on being ‘Water Wise’
Recycling our waste water from drink fountain
Tanks to recycle water onto the garden and water play areas.
Harvesting our indigenous plants for tasting from our indigenous garden (learning about being resourceful with foods and natures items)
Recycle items to use at our pasting area
Nude foods brought into kinder (no plastic wrappers)
Installing bird nesting boxes to encourage wildlife ecosystems at our kindergarten
Recycling our paper in the staff room to be used with the children at the drawing and pasting table.