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Community Involvement
Walking in our Community- Creating Global Citizens
We want our children to grow up being ‘GLOBAL CITIZENS’
This involves them learning the following:
-awareness (both self-awareness and of others),
-responsibility, and participation.
At Golden Square Kindergarten we take the children out weekly and monthly on Community Walks to build their knowledge of the world around them. We go to:
Post office to send letters and collect mail
Local supermarket to purchase items to cook with
Local community gardens to purchase items to cook with
Share our produce with local community gardens
The local Op shop to purchase items for kinder to use
A walk around the block to see the seasons change
A trip on our local Myki Bus – Public Transport
The local Hairdressers
The Laundromat
The Local MP office, to discuss matters that affect us or collect flags for our centre
Bendigo Food Share
Pantry of food for families
Our kindergarten provides Bendigo Food Share grocery items weekly to families in need of food for their homes. It is open to the wider community as well. We say to our families if you know someone in need of food please take a bag for them. The Food Share trolleys are available to our 3 and 4 year old families at each end of our centre. The trolleys have a range of non-perishable items for families to take. The items we order are designed to make a meal for a family.
Annual Potato Drive
Bendigo Food Share calls on schools and kinders, community groups and keen home gardeners across Central Victoria to get involved and Grow A Row for Bendigo Foodshare!
Potatoes are a staple food in many households, fun to grow and harvest and they store well. This year's Grow a Row: Potato drive is possible with the ongoing support of UFS Pharmacies Bendigo and a donation of 40 kilograms of seed potato by Bush's Produce Store.
How it works is simple - we're keen to see as many people out in the garden giving growing a go, and then sharing the fruits of their labour with Bendigo Foodshare, themselves and their families. We hope to get back double the amount distributed as locally grown potatoes to support food relief efforts, to share later in the year.
For more info, please get in touch at: info@bendigofoodshare.org.au